Traditional Braces in Bronzeville

A fixed orthodontic appliance, usually comprised of brackets, bands and wires.

Young girl wearing traditional metal braces and smiling holind a ice cream in her hand and a cap on her head

Traditional metal braces have been used for years to adjust the alignment of the teeth and straighten a person’s smile. This treatment is a safe, affordable, and effective way to overcome common orthodontic concerns.

At Bronzeville Orthodontics, our experienced team offers traditional braces, as well as a range of other teeth braces and treatments. We’re committed to helping you achieve an optimal smile and provide full-support solutions to create an ideal smile.

Technology has evolved, and braces have come a long way in recent years. Today’s treatments are different than what was used in the past: smaller brackets and better wires can help you enjoy improved results and optimal comfort during the treatment process.

Do You Need Braces?

Most alignment and bite issues can be corrected using metal braces. Here are some of the common reasons why orthodontic treatments, such as braces, are recommended:

  • Misaligned, crooked, or gapped teeth

  • Jaw pain caused by misalignment

  • Headaches and migraines, associated with bite issues

  • The positioning of the teeth is affecting chewing and speech

  • It’s difficult to clean the teeth because of limited access for brushing and flossing

  • Desire to change the appearance of the smile

As long as your teeth are healthy, it’s never too late for braces! For children, orthodontic treatments can begin as early as 10 to 14 years old, minimizing major orthodontic work in the later years of life. Adults are also good candidates for this treatment.

Why Choose Traditional Braces

When you learn more about the benefits available from traditional braces, it’s easy to see why this choice is one of the most popular methods to straighten teeth. Here are some of the benefits you can expect from traditional braces:

  • Cost: Stainless steel braces are one of the most cost-effective ways to straighten your teeth. If you’re on a budget, then you might choose traditional braces instead of other more expensive options.

  • Customization: Certain elements of the braces are customizable, giving you the option to adjust the appearance. For example, ceramic braces (also known as clear braces) use brackets to move the teeth, with clear or tooth-colored materials that blend with the natural colors of your teeth. You can also choose the colors of the bands, which are changed every time you visit the office to have your braces tightened.

  • Secured in Place: Braces are secured onto the front surface of the teeth, so you don’t have to remove them daily. These brackets stay in place until the treatment is finished, with the option to make small adjustments during the course of the treatment. Since metal braces can’t be removed, they are ideal because they always remain in the child’s mouth.

Stainless steel braces are often an optimal treatment for many people. The best solution to determine if this treatment is right for you is by scheduling an exam and consultation with our team at Bronzeville Orthodontics.

How it Works: Dental Braces

Dental braces (also known as bracket braces, wire braces, and bands braces) are designed using different types of orthodontic materials to move the position of the teeth:

  • Brackets: Small square-shaped brackets are placed on each of the teeth. A bonding agent secures each bracket, allowing it to work like handles to hold the archwire in place.

  • Wires: Wires are secured to the brackets to act as a track that guides the movement of the teeth. Most wires are made of metal, although you also have the option to use tooth-colored or clear wires if desired.

  • Bands: Many people need an anchor for the braces, in the form of bands that wrap around certain teeth (such as the back molars). Before the bands can be placed, small spacers are inserted between the teeth to create space.

  • Elastic: Small rubber bands, known as ligatures, are strategically placed to hold the wires and brackets together. These colored bands are changed when you visit the orthodontist for an appointment to tighten the braces.

  • Headgear: If more room is needed in the mouth to correct crowded teeth, then headgear might be required to move the molars back in the mouth. This horseshoe-shaped device attaches to the upper teeth with equipment that connects with a strap at the back of the head.

With the brackets permanently attached to the front surface of the teeth, an archwire can be placed to shift the position of the teeth.

Over the course of treatment, different archwires are placed to move the teeth slowly and gently into the desired alignment. Bands hold the wires to each bracket, creating tension that pushes the teeth to the new positioning.

 How Long Will You Wear Braces?

Depending on your unique situation, you might need to wear braces between 1 – 3 years to achieve the desired orthodontic alignment. Through the course of the treatment, you’ll have regular checkups and adjustments to tighten your braces, so the teeth continue moving.

The steady, gentle pressure on the teeth will move them into the ideal position. Your orthodontist will ask to see you monthly to adjust the wires and rubber bands. During these checkups, it adds a bit more pressure and tension to keep the teeth moving in the desired direction.

Following the orthodontist’s recommendations for checkups, care, and treatment will optimize the treatment timeline. Make sure to wear all devices as instructed by your orthodontist. Minor alignment issues can often be corrected quickly, but bigger alignments and gaps require a longer treatment time.

When the braces come off, you’ll likely need to wear a retainer for 6 months. Then, it’s common to use the retainer at night indefinitely to maintain the new position of your teeth. This seemingly small step is essential to prevent the teeth from shifting again in the future.

Personalized Recommendations for Braces

Since there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution for orthodontics, our team at Bronzeville Orthodontics will work with you to create an ideal treatment plan for your unique needs.

Here’s an overview of the various types of braces we offer:

  • Metal braces

  • Clear braces

  • Ceramic (clear) braces

  • Lingual braces

Additionally, our team provides other orthodontic treatments that don’t require the use of brackets and wires. For example, you might choose clear aligners that fit snugly over the teeth, with the option to remove the aligners for a few hours each day when eating.

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